Surah Al Hasyr Ayat 24. Surah AlHashr (Arabic الحشر‎) is the 59th chapter of the Qur’an with 24 ayat (verses) It is classified as a Medinan Surah and is titled “The Exile” Below you can read Surah Hashr with Sahih International English translation and transliteration At the end of Surah you’ll find tafseer including one by Ibn Kathir.

The Another One Surah Al Hasyr 21 24 surah al hasyr ayat 24
The Another One Surah Al Hasyr 21 24 from The.Another.One

Home ≫ AlQuran ≫ Surah Al Hashr Ayat 24 رکوعاتہا 3 سورۃ ﳿ اٰیاتہا 24 Tarteeb e Nuzool(101) Tarteeb e Tilawat(59) Mushtamil e Para(28).

Pelajaran 2 surah alhasyr ayat 2124 worksheet

Ayat 24 QS AlHasyr Ayat 24 هُوَ اللّٰهُ الْخَالِقُ الْبَارِئُ الْمُصَوِّرُ لَهُ الْاَسْمَاۤءُ الْحُسْنٰىۗ يُسَبِّحُ لَهٗ مَا فِى السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالْاَرْضِۚ وَهُوَ الْعَزِيْزُ الْحَكِيْمُ ࣖ 24 Dialah.


Surah 59 AlHashr Ayat 1824 يٰۤاَيُّهَا الَّذِيۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡا اتَّقُوا اللّٰهَ وَلۡتَـنۡظُرۡ نَـفۡسٌ مَّا قَدَّمَتۡ لِغَدٍ ۚ وَاتَّقُوا اللّٰهَ ؕ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ خَبِيۡرٌۢ بِمَا تَعۡمَلُوۡنَ‏  (59.

59:2124 Tafsir Surah Al Hasyr, ayat 2124.

Surat AlHashr [verses 2124] If We had sent down this Qur’an upon a mountain you would have seen it humbled and coming apart from fear of Allah And these examples We present to the people that perhaps they will give thought.

The Another One Surah Al Hasyr 21 24

Fadhilat dan keistimewaan ayat 2124 surah AlHasyr

Alquran Surat Al Hasyr Ayat 2224, Arab & Arti, Kandungan

Surat AlHashr [59:2224] The Noble Qur’an القرآن الكريم

Surat AlHasyr Ayat 21 24 dengan Tafsir dan

AlQur’an Surat AlHasyr Ayat ke24

Bacaan Surah AlHasyr Ayat 124: Arab, Latin, dan

Ayat 24 Dawat e Islami Surah Al Hashr

Bacaan Surat AlHasyr Ayar 124, Lengkap dengan Tulisan

Tafsir Surah alHasyr ayat 2124, Perintah Allah kepada

Ayat 1824 Surah 59. AlHashr,

124 Surah AlHashr

SURAH ALHASYR AYAT 2124 ID2714029 LanguageMalay School subject Pendidikan Islam Grade/levelTINGKATAN 5 Age 1617.