Pasim. Adverb [] passim (not comparable) throughout or frequently here and there Usage notes [] Used especially in citations often with simply the name of a book or writer to indicate that something (as a word phrase or idea) is to be found at many places throughout the section book or writings of the author cited.
Maris Pacifici Quod Vulgo Mar Del Zur Cum Regionibus Circumiacentibus Insulisque In Eodem Pasim Sparsis Novissima Descriptio Price Estimate 6000 9000 from PBA Galleries
passim (păs′ĭm) adv Throughout or frequently here and there Used in textual annotation to indicate that something such as a word or passage occurs frequently in the.
Boston Celtic Musical Festival 2022 Passim
The meaning of PASSIM is here and there How to use passim in a sentence Did you know?.
Passim Definition & Meaning
BCMFest showcases Greater Boston’s deep tradition of music song and dance from Irish Scottish Cape Breton and other Celtic communities The festival features acts that are traditional as well as others that draw on contemporary sounds and ideas fulltime professional touring acts as well as eveningsandweekends musicians and performers from across the generations.
Maris Pacifici Quod Vulgo Mar Del Zur Cum Regionibus Circumiacentibus Insulisque In Eodem Pasim Sparsis Novissima Descriptio Price Estimate 6000 9000
passim Wiktionary
Passim definition of passim by The Free Dictionary
Meaning MerriamWebster Passim Definition &
Passim definition here and there used in bibliographic references to indicate that the writer has drawn upon material scattered throughout the source cited See more.