Also at 1st level the kingsglaive is given a suit of light armor to wear as uniform while under the service of the king This armor is mostly made of black leather embroiled with the kings sigil with a patch on the left arm.
Kingsglaive Uniform Eorzea Collection
Kingsglaive Uniform by Eriyn Kainoa from «Shiva Similar to many other Kingsglaive sets but this fits all classes Allagan weapons in Jet Black work best.
Kingsglaive Hood (KG: FFXV)+ Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
OverviewStatisticsAn enhanced version of a hood worn by special forces units in the faraway world of Eos The members of this special forces better known as “Kingsglaive” wore uniforms styled in black and an emblem on their chest to show that they were members of Kingsglaive Type Armor (Hat) Stats ATK+35 DEF+20 SPR+20 Element Resistance All elements (+10%) Additional effect .
Kingsglaive – Final Fantasy d20
A special forces uniform from the faraway world of Eos The special forces better known as “Kingsglaive” is comprised of immigrants who exhibited exceptional battle prowess Their uniform is colored in black the most venerated color among the people of Lucis.
Kingsglaive Uniform Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Wiki
OverviewMembersProfileFor hearth and home Titus Drautos the Kingsglaive's captain The Kingsglaive is an elite group of soldiers that defends Lucis in the Final Fantasy XV Universe It is referred to colloquially as the Glaive and it is blessed with the monarch's magic The kings' of Lucis magical powers enable them to teleport cast elemental spells and magical protective barriers use healing potions and forge weapons from thin air and King Regis lends these powers to the Glaives who in turn are sworn to serve Titus Drautos Captain in Kingsglaive Final Fantasy XV Cor Leonis Leader in Royal Edition Nyx Ulric Libertus Ostium Leader in Final Fantasy XV Comrades Crowe Altius Pelna Khara Tredd Furia Axis Arra Sonitus Bellum Luche Lazarus Elea Miles Delilah Gutsco Jenica Luca Nelly Sadda Tobul Yura Josef Player Glaive Hierarchy Uniform[] Concept artwork of Nyx Ulric a member of the Kingsglaive Each member wears a uniform that consists of a black frock coat black pants black fingerless gloves and black kneehigh boots In combat the Glaives don black hoods with ornate visors and some choose to cover their faces with pieces of black cloth Many members customize their uniforms a leather chest plate protects Libertus Ostium silver pauldrons cover Luche Lazarus's shoulders and Nyx Ulric wears flowing Books ProgramThe Art & Design of Final Fantasy XVContent ArtworkTimeline.