Francois Marie Voltaire. Voltaire was born FrançoisMarie Arouet to a prosperous family on November 21 1694 in Paris France He was the youngest of five children born to François Arouet and Marie Marguerite d’Aumart.
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Early life FrançoisMarie Arouet was born in Paris the youngest of the five children of François Arouet (1649–1722) a lawyer who was a minor treasury official and his wife Marie Marguerite Daumard (c 1660–1701) whose family was on the lowest rank of the French nobilitySome speculation surrounds Voltaire‘s date of birth because he claimed he was born on 20 February.
Voltaire Quotes, Books & Life Biography
FrançoisMarie Arouet era hijo del matrimonio entre el notario François Arouet que vendió su oficio para ser consejero del rey y trabajar como tesorero de la Cámara de Cuentas de París (16501722) y Marie Marguerite d’Aumard (16601701) proveniente de una familia de PoitouCharentes y fallecida cuando él contaba apenas siete años de edad De constitución.
François Marie Arouet dit Voltaire LAROUSSE
Voltaire døpt FrançoisMarie Arouet (født 21 november 1694 død 30 mai 1778) var en fransk historiker og forfatter av essay og filosofiske avhandlinger i opplysningstiden kjent for sin skarpe intelligens og for å være en tidlig og modig talsmann for menneskerettigheter inkludert religionsfrihet og frihandel Voltaire var en produktiv forfatter og skrev verker i bortimot hver.
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Voltaire François Marie Arouet est le cinquième enfant de François Arouet (16491722) et de Marguerite Daumart (vers 16611701) [sur les six enfants de la famille trois meurent en bas âge] Son père notaire royal puis payeur des épices à la Chambre des comptes est en relations professionnelles et personnelles avec l’aristocratie Il fait donner à ses fils la meilleure.
The Patriarch Of The Enlightenment Voltaire Francois Marie Arouet Champions Of Reason Youtube
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Voltaire – Wikipedia
Liste d’élèves de l’École nationale d’administration
Biography of Voltaire, French Enlightenment Writer
Candide by VOLTAIREFrancoisMarie Arouet French philosopher playwright and novelist Titlepage of ‘Candide’ or ‘Optimism’ Culture Club / Getty Images Starting in 1762 Voltaire took up the causes of unjustly persecuted people particularly those who were victims of religious persecution Among his most notable causes was the case of Jean Calas a Huguenot.