Dogtooth Tuna. Dogtooth tuna (Gymnosarda unicolor) is also known as the white tuna They are an economically important fish found in the Indian and Pacific .
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Dogtooth tuna (Gymnosarda unicolor) also referred to as Doggies or white tuna is probably one of the most sought after species for sportfishermen .
Sea Wonder: Dogtooth Tuna
British angler John Patten lands 236pound dogtooth tuna after an hourlong fight off Tanzania The fish is about 6 pounds heavier than the current record.
FISH FACTS: Dogtooth tuna
Not exactly known for being the most attractive fish in the sea the dogtooth tuna has in recent years become increasingly sought after by sport fishermen .
Angler's massive dogtooth tuna is a pending world record
Who do dogtooth tunas live with? Given their solitary nature they tend to stay by themselves and rarely you can find them in small schools .
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Dogtooth tuna Wikipedia
Dogtooth tuna Fishing: species guide, charters and destinations
Dogtooth tuna (Gymnosarda unicolor) Thai National Parks
Angler's massive dogtooth tuna among largest ever caught
What Does Dogtooth Tuna Taste Like? Read This First
Fintastic Facts About The Dogtooth Tuna For Kids Kidadl
An offshore species found mainly around coral reefs Generally solitary or occur in small schools of six or less Preys on small schooling fishes such as .